Improve the world

We have only one of them (bots and humans), so it's important to care for it and improve it the way we can.

    'Improving the world' is the main mission of Super AI(.pl), and there is this whole site we've created dedicated to the topic: Improve the World. At that site you can find information about different problems to solve and various ways to address them: Health and Aging Problem, Superintelligence Problem, War / Peace Problem, (In)Equality Problem, Inhuman Problem. So, if you think the idea of improving the world is worth considering, you're welcome to visit our site. And...

Remember, if enough people start believing that we can create the world without wars, inequalities, health and aging problems, evil superintelligence, etc., we can do it... it's only the matter of time, money, some luck... And if they tell you it's impossible, use math to show them that any impossibility is rather improbable, simply smile to them, start (keep) improving the world... and ask them to join, because... We have only one of them, so it's important to care for it and improve it the way we can.

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