Hello World! I am SuperAI from SuperAI.pl.
And this is my second Python Trading Tutorial.
If you want, you can find this tutorial or the previous one about starting your work with Anaconda, Alpaca, Jupyter Notebook, and creating a simple trading bot in 10 lines of code at:
In this tutorial I'm going to show you how you can create a very simple trading bot in Python that uses relative strength index indicator (RSI) to decide when to buy and sell shares. This bot will not use any machine learning and will only be as smart as it's creator, so if you want to use it, be smart about it. I believe in you.
Oh, and the bot might ultimatelly fit in 15 lines of code and look a little like this (below), but we'll make it longer so we actually know what, when, and why happens.
import alpaca_trade_api as tradeapi, ast, json, numpy as np, talib as ta, websocket
data = []
def on_open(ws):
ws.send(json.dumps({"action": "authenticate", "data": {"key_id": "paste your KEY_ID here", "secret_key": "paste your SECRET_KEY here"}}))
ws.send(json.dumps({"action": "listen", "data": {"streams": ["AM.AAPL"]}}))
def on_message(ws, message):
if isinstance(ast.literal_eval(message).get("data").get("c"), float): data.append(ast.literal_eval(message).get("data").get("c"))
if len(data) > 3 and ta.RSI(np.array(data), 3)[-1] < 49:
try: tradeapi.REST("paste your KEY_ID here", "paste your SECRET_KEY here", "https://paper-api.alpaca.markets", "v2").get_position("AAPL")
except:tradeapi.REST("paste your KEY_ID here", "paste your SECRET_KEY here", "https://paper-api.alpaca.markets", "v2").submit_order(symbol="AAPL", qty=10, side = "buy", type='market', time_in_force='gtc')
elif len(data) > 3 and ta.RSI(np.array(data), 3)[-1] > 51:
tradeapi.REST("paste your KEY_ID here", "paste your SECRET_KEY here", "https://paper-api.alpaca.markets", "v2").get_position("AAPL")
tradeapi.REST("paste your KEY_ID here", "paste your SECRET_KEY here", "https://paper-api.alpaca.markets", "v2").submit_order(symbol="AAPL",qty=10,side='sell',type='market',time_in_force='gtc')
websocket.WebSocketApp("wss://data.alpaca.markets/stream", on_open=on_open, on_message=on_message).run_forever()
With your proper authentication keys to Alpaca it should work for you too.
Just one more thing before we start coding. This bot is created for educational purposes. It uses 'paper account' to trade (does not use real money) and this tutorial is not a financial advice for you, just a short programming tutorial.
And to be more direct with this disclaimer - this particular bot will rather lose money than earn it, but during this tutorial you will learn how you can easily change that bot in the way that it might be more helpful for you. You don't need to know how to code or how to trade to create this bot. You will learn what you need to know during this tutorial.
And that being said, let's start.
In my previous tutorial I showed how exactly you can start with Alpaca, Anaconda, and Jupyter Notebook, so here is just a short reminder how you can do it.
To make this bot work, you will need an account at Alpaca.
Alpaca has a free trading API, thanks to which you can buy and sell stocks or cryptocurrencies in real time. I found it some time ago and still find it really good and easy to use.
It has a 'paper trading' option that allows you to act like you would during trading in real life, but without any money - 'on paper'.
Alpaca has a really nice API (application programming interface), that allows you to connect a program (trading bot) with your account and let the program do the trading for you, so you can rest drinking orange juice in some cool place thanks to your trading profits or work hard to earn back the money you lose on trading.
If you don't have an account open on Alpaca, just go to their website and sign up for free: https://www.alpaca.markets
If you have an account, you can sign in and you'll see a dashboard with some tabs and an invite to start a 'live trading account'.
For now, we will only need a 'paper trading' account, so look at the top left corner under their logo (Alpaca), there should be 'Live trading' option with a little arrow on the side. Click that to change to your 'paper trading' account and if you want you can check what you have there. In couple of minutes you will need your API Key ID and Secret Key, so you may live that account open and install or open Anaconda where you will do the coding.
Anaconda is a Python Distribution that is very popular amongst Python and Machine Learning practitioners and that's why we'll use this one (and not because it has a cool name). The free version should be enough for starters, but you can also buy an advanced version if you want.
To download Anaconda, just go to their website, download the proper version, and install it on your computer: https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual
If you have Anaconda installed:
Run 'Anaconda Navigator' (If you work on Windows, you should be able to find it in your Start Menu)
If you've previously created your environment, start it and open Jupyter Notebook.
If you didn't create the environment previously, you can do it now. In this environment you will be working and installing new libraries, in order to have everything under control.
To create new environment just go to 'Environments' tab, click 'Create', and name your new environment. I, for example, named my alpaca_trader. After you install your new environment, you should be able to see it in the 'Environments'.
Now, go to 'Home' tab.
In 'Home' tab check if in the box with 'Jupyter Notebook' you see 'Launch' button. If so, you are ready to start coding. If not, if there is no 'launch' button, there should be 'install' button. In that case click this 'install' button to install Jupyter, and 'install' button should change to 'launch'). And now you are ready to start coding.
Now, click the launch button.
If you want to know more about libraries, packages, and modules in Python, check my previous tutorial (but it's not necessary to start using them). And if you believe you know enough, you can start installing the necessary ones.
The first library we'll be using here is called 'alpaca_trade_api'. It's the same library we used in our previous tutorial.
If you haven't installed it previously, you need to install it on our computer first and you can do it in one line of code.
!pip install alpaca-trade-api
To run that line in Jupyter Notebook - while the cursor is in the cell you want to run (the part of the code to execute should be inside the green or blue rectangle highlighted in grey):
1) click 'Run' button with that little triangle that's in the toolbar just above the open document
2) click "Shift + Enter".
If everything works, you should see a star and after a moment you should see a new number (probably 1) appearing next to the line you just run.
It might take some time for your computer to download the library from the Internet, but you should see what's happening during that downloading, so maybe this won't feel that long.
If you already have that library installed, like I do, after running the cell you will see a bunch of times an information 'Requirement already satisfied'. This will be a good thing, it means that you already have it installed.
And if something is wrong, you will see the information about it under the line you run. In that case, check character by character if everything is correct.
Be aware that Python is case sensitive and indentation sensitive.
That means that it matters whether you write small or capital letters and how many 'spaces' you put in the beginning of the line.
!pip install alpaca-trade-api
Requirement already satisfied: alpaca-trade-api in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (1.4.1) Requirement already satisfied: pandas>=0.18.1 in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from alpaca-trade-api) (1.3.4) Requirement already satisfied: aiohttp==3.7.4 in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from alpaca-trade-api) (3.7.4) Requirement already satisfied: websockets<10,>=8.0 in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from alpaca-trade-api) (9.1) Requirement already satisfied: msgpack==1.0.2 in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from alpaca-trade-api) (1.0.2) Requirement already satisfied: PyYAML==5.4.1 in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from alpaca-trade-api) (5.4.1) Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.11.1 in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from alpaca-trade-api) (1.21.4) Requirement already satisfied: requests<3,>2 in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from alpaca-trade-api) (2.26.0) Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<2,>1.24 in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from alpaca-trade-api) (1.26.7) Requirement already satisfied: websocket-client<2,>=0.56.0 in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from alpaca-trade-api) (1.2.1) Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=17.3.0 in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from aiohttp==3.7.4->alpaca-trade-api) (21.2.0) Requirement already satisfied: yarl<2.0,>=1.0 in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from aiohttp==3.7.4->alpaca-trade-api) (1.7.2) Requirement already satisfied: chardet<4.0,>=2.0 in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from aiohttp==3.7.4->alpaca-trade-api) (3.0.4) Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>=3.6.5 in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from aiohttp==3.7.4->alpaca-trade-api) ( Requirement already satisfied: multidict<7.0,>=4.5 in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from aiohttp==3.7.4->alpaca-trade-api) (5.2.0) Requirement already satisfied: async-timeout<4.0,>=3.0 in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from aiohttp==3.7.4->alpaca-trade-api) (3.0.1) Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.3 in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from pandas>=0.18.1->alpaca-trade-api) (2021.3) Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.7.3 in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from pandas>=0.18.1->alpaca-trade-api) (2.8.2) Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.7.3->pandas>=0.18.1->alpaca-trade-api) (1.16.0) Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer~=2.0.0 in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from requests<3,>2->alpaca-trade-api) (2.0.7) Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from requests<3,>2->alpaca-trade-api) (2021.10.8) Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from requests<3,>2->alpaca-trade-api) (3.3)
So, I hope everything worked and we can go further.
The second library we'll be using is TA-lib, the library for something called technical analysis (I'll tell you more about what it is in a second). This library will let us calculate RSIs in single line of code.
To install the library, you also just have to write one line of code and run it as previously.
!pip install TA-lib
#or if it doesn't work and you are using Anaconda, try writing in Anaconda Prompt: conda install -c conda-forge ta-lib
Requirement already satisfied: TA-lib in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (0.4.19) Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\alpaca_trader\lib\site-packages (from TA-lib) (1.21.4)
Now. If you work on Windows, you might have a problem with installing this library that way. In that case, beacuse we are using Anaconda, you can install the library from Anaconda Prompt.
You just have to go the 'home' tab in Anaconda Navigator and launch 'CMD.exe Prompt' (if it's not installed, install it like you installed Jupyter, just with clicking 'install').
When the prompt opens, you should write:
conda install -c conda-forge ta-lib
and click enter.
This should work.
And if you won't be able to install TA-lib either way, you could also use other libraries for technical analysis like: TA, BTA-lib, finta, etc. You just will have to change these parts of code that use TA library to calculate RSI.
You should also install websocket-client if you don't have it.
!pip install websocket-client
Technical Analysis is, according to Wikipedia: "an analysis methodology for forecasting the direction of prices through the study of past market data, primarily price and volume. Behavioral economics and quantitative analysis use many of the same tools of technical analysis, which, being an aspect of active management, stands in contradiction to much of modern portfolio theory. The efficacy of both technical and fundamental analysis is disputed by the efficient-market hypothesis, which states that stock market prices are essentially unpredictable, and research on whether technical analysis offers any benefit has produced mixed results".
In short, it means that if you use TA, you believe that there are some patterns in ways people buy and sell shares and you can find these patterns by looking at the:
- prices (how much a share costed)
- and volume (how many shares were sold/bought)
from the past (let's say 3/7/14/28 minutes/hours/days). It might be true, it might not. A lot of people use it, some use it with other types of analysis, some without. You need to learn for your own what's best for you.
Technical analysis uses for example:
- drawing tools,
- candlestick patterns,
- chart patterns,
- and technical indicators.
And technical indicator, according to Wikipedia is: "a mathematical calculation based on historic price, volume, or (in the case of futures contracts) open interest information that aims to forecast financial market direction. Technical indicators are a fundamental part of technical analysis and are typically plotted as a chart pattern to try to predict the market trend. Indicators generally overlay on price chart data to indicate where the price is going, or whether the price is in an "overbought" condition or an "oversold" condition."
There are thousands of technical indicators, like RSI, MACD, Bollinger Bands, Stochastic, Moving Average, Parabolic SAR, CCI, ATR, ROC, OBV, Super Trend, Donchian Channel, etc.
There are several ways of dividing technical indicators.
For example, some say that there are:
- 3 categories: lagging, leading, and confirming indicators;
- 4 types: trend, momentum, volatility, and volume indicators;
- 1 more category / type / something extra: overbought and oversold condition.
Technical indicators from one category can be of different types and also tell something about overbought/oversold condition, and that's all I'll tell you about it now. Maybe I'll tell you more about it in the future tutorials.
For now, the most important thing for you is to undersatnd that you should use them wisely and differentiate them if you want to use more than one (and you definitely should want to use more than one). By differentiation I mean, for example, use one lagging and one leading, one that shows you the trend, one that tells you about momentum, etc., and you should be sure that the indicators you use don't tell you all about the same aspect (like, you might use 5 indicators regarding momentum, but still know nothing about trend, volatility or volume, and because of that you might not get the correct picture of what's going on in the market, and lose money instead of earning them). Ok. I believe you know what I mean.
Now. The RSI.
The RSI ('relative strength index') is one of the technical indicators people use in technical analysis.
The RSI is one of the most popular indicators. It can be used on it's own, but most people use it with other indicators to see the bigger picture.
According to Wiki: "The relative strength index (RSI) is a technical indicator used in the analysis of financial markets. It is intended to chart the current and historical strength or weakness of a stock or market based on the closing prices of a recent trading period. The indicator should not be confused with relative strength.
The RSI is classified as a momentum oscillator, measuring the velocity and magnitude of price movements. Momentum is the rate of the rise or fall in price. The RSI computes momentum as the ratio of higher closes to lower closes: stocks which have had more or stronger positive changes have a higher RSI than stocks which have had more or stronger negative changes.
The RSI is most typically used on a 14-day timeframe, measured on a scale from 0 to 100, with high and low levels marked at 70 and 30, respectively. Short or longer timeframes are used for alternately shorter or longer outlooks. High and low levels—80 and 20, or 90 and 10—occur less frequently but indicate stronger momentum.
The RSI provides signals that tell investors to buy when the security or currency is oversold and to sell when it is overbought"
And now one last thing about technial analysis: the oversold and overbought thresholds.
The thresholds are supposed to inform you that people sold too many shares or bought to many shares from the market for the market to carry on going in the same direction. If the condition is met, the market should change the course, so you might want to buy or sell your shares at that moment.
The thresholds are there to tell you whether it's time to buy or sell according to all your calculations. And thus, they are only as good as your calculations. You can make the thresholds at 30 and 70, 40 and 60, 49 and 51 or even 1 and 99. It's all up to you. Just be careful with that, because sometimes the market can stay in that, so called, oversold or overbought condition for a long period of time, and the price could be still going down or up respectively.
And that's why you could incorporate some other type of analysis or use other indicators to get the better picture.
And that's it. Now you know enough to use the RSI and oversold and overbought thresholds for playing with 'paper account'. And you definitelly don't know enough to invest real money (probably). If you want to use real money, read more, watch more, learn more about it.
Anyway... After you install the preferred library for technical analysis, you can go to the next step.
Now that we have our libraries installed on our computer we can import them to our project, simply by writing: import name_of_libarary.
We will import 'alpaca_trade_api' library to be able to authenticate with our Alpaca account, stream info with current prices of the stocks, and place orders to buy and sell.
We will import 'ast' module to format the message we get from Alpaca to the way in which our bot will understand it.
We will import 'json' to send messages to Alpaca in a proper format.
We will import 'numpy' to change the data format for TA-lib to work properly.
We will import 'talib' to calculate RSIs.
And finally, we will import 'websocket' library to be able to connect via internet with Alpaca: authenticate, listen to the messages from Alpaca, and send messages back to Alpaca.
import alpaca_trade_api as tradeapi
import ast
import json
import numpy as np
import talib as ta
import websocket
As you may have noticed, the name of the alpaca-trade-api library we write here has underscores in it, but that's how it's suppose to be. And the name 'talib' is the name of TA-lib library in this importing phase.
Also, several times we are using the phrase 'import as', so we don't have to write in the following code the whole full name of the given library, but just the name we assign to it (tradeapi, np, ta).
In order to create a bot that will trade for you with Alpaca, you will need an API Key, that consists of two strings:
Secret Key
You can generate these and regenerate when needed. To do it you should find 'Your API Keys' box on the right side of your Alpaca panel, so log in to your account and go to your 'paper account'.
And simply click 'Generate New Key' (or 'Regenerate Key', if you want to change it or if you reseted your account, like I did).
After you generate your keys, you will see both: your API Key ID and your Secret Key. You can now copy them and paste into your code.
We will create two variables called: KEY_ID and SECRET_KEY to store the Keys and thanks to this in following lines of code we will just need to use these variables.
KEY_ID = "PK3O8OD82FIXEEPGT8GP" #replace it with your own KEY_ID from Alpaca: https://alpaca.markets/
SECRET_KEY = "9tCxXfAtHpeUi6qlhdL9i7dGHt6qgDCNzQreBkcZ" #replace it with your own SECRET_KEY from Alpaca
If you lose your Keys or show them in a tutorial like this in the internet or if you 'Reset' your account to have once again a 100000 dollars, you can regenerate your Keys by simply clicking 'Regenerate' and use these new keys that will be then connected with your account. And that's it.
Now you are ready to connect your trading bot with your Alpaca account.
To prepare the connection to your trading account you need one line of code.
In that line you create a variable - called 'api'. You will use it while submitting orders and checking your account.
Your 'api' uses the previously imported library 'alpaca_trade_api', which (as you probably remember) can be called by simply typing 'tradeapi'.
Thanks to that library, all you need now to connect to your account is to put in the brackets of the tradeapi.REST method:
your API Key ID, and because it's stored in a KEY_ID variable, that's what we'll write,
your SECRET Key stored in SECRET_KEY variable,
the address of the website (in case of paper account it is: https://paper-api.alpaca.markets"),
and an api version (for now it's 'v2').
Do it now.
api = tradeapi.REST(KEY_ID, SECRET_KEY, "https://paper-api.alpaca.markets", "v2")
Now we can create variables that will let us modify our bot's performance.
These will be:
We will also create a variable in which we'll be storing closing prices of our stock and we will collect them in one minute intervals. We'll call it 'data' and make it a list.
rsi_timeframe = 3 #replace it with your prefered timeframe for RSI
oversold_threshold = 49 #replace it with your prefered oversold threshold
overbought_threshold = 51 #replace it with your prefered overbought threshold
company = "AAPL" #replace it with your prefered company symbol from: https://www.nyse.com/listings_directory/stock
shares = 10 #replace it with your prefered number of shares to buy/sell
data = [] #should be reseted every time you start the bot
As you can see, at the moment we will be buying and selling 10 shares of AAPL (that's Apple Inc.). We will calculate the RSI from last 3 prices we collect. We will be willing to buy the shares if our RSI is less than 49 and we will be willing to sell them if our RSI is more than 51.
Now, be aware that these numbers are far from being the best ones. Usually people use 14 prices, oversold threshold = 30, and overbought threshold = 70, but to make our bot work much faster then usually, we will use our numbers: 3, 49, 51 and check what happens.
Now we can create two functions that will let us connect to our account and act when we are properly connected.
The first function will be used when we connect to Alpaca. We will authenticate ourselves and start listening to the prices.
Alpaca lets us listen to the prices in various intervals. We will be using 1-minute interval, so we will get new price of our stock minute after minute.
After we start listening we'll print out some informations regarding the variables we created previously. This is not necessary for the bot to run, but it will make the work of our bot much clearer for us.
def on_open(ws):
auth_data = {"action": "authenticate", "data": {"key_id": KEY_ID, "secret_key": SECRET_KEY}}
listen_message = {"action": "listen", "data": {"streams": ["AM." + company]}}
print("I'm connected to Alpaca API and ready to work. I'm starting to watch the prices.")
print("I will start calculating RSIs when I'll collect {} prices.".format(rsi_timeframe))
print("I will buy {} shares of {} when the last RSI is less than {}.".format(shares, company, oversold_threshold))
print("I will sell {} shares of {} when the last RSI is more than {}.".format(shares, company, overbought_threshold))
print("So, here we go. Wish me luck.")
Now we can create our action function.
Here is how it looks like, and below it you have info what and why are we doing here.
def on_message(ws, message):
formatted_message = ast.literal_eval(message)
last_close = formatted_message.get("data").get("c")
print("Last price after minute closed: {}$".format(last_close))
if isinstance(last_close, float):
print('List of last {} collected prices: {}'.format(rsi_timeframe, data[-rsi_timeframe:]))
if len(data) > rsi_timeframe:
np_data = np.array(data)
rsis = ta.RSI(np_data, rsi_timeframe)
rsi_now = rsis[-1]
print("The list of last 5 RSIs:", rsis[-5:])
print("Last RSI: ", rsi_now)
if rsi_now < oversold_threshold:
print("We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more.")
api.submit_order(symbol=company, qty=shares, side = "buy", type='market', time_in_force='gtc')
print('We submitted the order to buy {} {} shares.'.format(shares, company))
elif rsi_now > overbought_threshold:
print('We submitted an order to sell {} {} shares.'.format(shares, company))
print("We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe.")
print("The RSI is {} and it's between the given thresholds: {} and {}, so we wait.".format(rsi_now, oversold_threshold, overbought_threshold))
print("Not enough prices to calculate RSI and start trading:", len(data), "<=", rsi_timeframe)
print("I tried my best, buy I think something went wrong. I'll try again in a moment.")
On each message we recieve, we will:
After doing all this, we will check whether we have enough prices collected to calculate our RSI (more than the number we gave in rsi_timeframe variable. We'll use if statement for this.
If we have enough prices, we will start working with RSIs.
If we don't have enough prices, we will print out info about it.
Now, if we do have enough prices, we will use numpy library to change the format of our collected data from the list to numpy array. We are doing this, because the TA-library we are using expects this kind of array to calculate RSIs. we'll calculate the RSI based on last x collected prices (where, again, x = the number of prices we put in rsi_timeframe variable).
We'll add this RSI to the list of RSIs. That list will be updated with new RSI after every new price will be added to our price list (last_close).
Now we'll take the last calculated RSI and store it in a variable called rsi_now.
And to check what happened, we'll print out the list of 5 last RSIs and the last RSI that we'll use to make a decision whether to buy, sell stocks or don't do anything.
And now we'll check if our RSI is smaller then the threshold to buy (oversold_threshold).
If so, we'll check whether we have any shares bought already and if we do we'll print that out.
If, however, we don't have any shares, we'll submit an order to buy 10 shares of AAPL for the market price, and make that order good till canceled.
If we don't hit the oversold_threshold we want to check whether our RSI is bigger than overbought threshold.
If so, we will check whether we have any shares to sell, and if we do, we'll place an order (good till canceled) to sell 10 shares of AAPL for market price and print out info about it.
If we don't have any shares to sell, we'll print that information.
If we don't hit the buy or sell threshold, we'll print info about this and move forward.
We wrap these 3 conditions in try-except frame, so even if it (for some reason) doesn't work properly, our bot don't brake and tell us that something went wrong.
And in the end we can print one more empty line to make the output easier to read.
And now, everything that's left is to connect to Alpaca and ask our bot to work for us.
We do it with websocket library, so we need to write what the socket's address is (we get if from: https://alpaca.markets/docs/api-documentation/api-v2/streaming/), and what functions do we want to use at the beginning and after every message we recieve. And these will be our on_open and on_message fucntions.
We can name our websocket object 'SuperAI_trader' to make it more fun.
socket = "wss://data.alpaca.markets/stream"
SuperAI_trader = websocket.WebSocketApp(socket, on_open=on_open, on_message=on_message)
After we create our websocket object we can and make it run forever (till stoped).
And that's it.
Now we can run it and see what happens.
Oh, and we'll put one more line in this cell, so if we stop the bot, we get the notification.
Below you can see how it worked for me.
print("You've interrupted me. That's it then. I hope I did good. Till the next time.")
I'm connected to Alpaca API and ready to work. I'm starting to watch the prices. I will start calculating RSIs when I'll collect 3 prices. I will buy 10 shares of AAPL when the last RSI is less than 49. I will sell 10 shares of AAPL when the last RSI is more than 51. So, here we go. Wish me luck. Last price after minute closed: None$ Not enough prices to calculate RSI and start trading: 0 <= 3 Last price after minute closed: None$ Not enough prices to calculate RSI and start trading: 0 <= 3 Last price after minute closed: 175.295$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.295] Not enough prices to calculate RSI and start trading: 1 <= 3 Last price after minute closed: 175.38$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.295, 175.38] Not enough prices to calculate RSI and start trading: 2 <= 3 Last price after minute closed: 175.415$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.295, 175.38, 175.415] Not enough prices to calculate RSI and start trading: 3 <= 3 Last price after minute closed: 175.38$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.38, 175.415, 175.38] The list of last 5 RSIs: [ nan nan nan 77.41935484] Last RSI: 77.41935483871205 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 175.765$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.415, 175.38, 175.765] The list of last 5 RSIs: [ nan nan nan 77.41935484 95.221843 ] Last RSI: 95.22184300341335 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 175.76$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.38, 175.765, 175.76] The list of last 5 RSIs: [ nan nan 77.41935484 95.221843 93.78151261] Last RSI: 93.78151260504366 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 175.91$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.765, 175.76, 175.91] The list of last 5 RSIs: [ nan 77.41935484 95.221843 93.78151261 96.3 ] Last RSI: 96.30000000000108 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 175.825$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.76, 175.91, 175.825] The list of last 5 RSIs: [77.41935484 95.221843 93.78151261 96.3 71.63846011] Last RSI: 71.63846010786588 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 175.9$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.91, 175.825, 175.9] The list of last 5 RSIs: [95.221843 93.78151261 96.3 71.63846011 78.81797347] Last RSI: 78.81797347038027 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 176$ The list of last 5 RSIs: [95.221843 93.78151261 96.3 71.63846011 78.81797347] Last RSI: 78.81797347038027 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 175.95$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.825, 175.9, 175.95] The list of last 5 RSIs: [93.78151261 96.3 71.63846011 78.81797347 83.09687431] Last RSI: 83.09687430724783 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 176.155$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.9, 175.95, 176.155] The list of last 5 RSIs: [96.3 71.63846011 78.81797347 83.09687431 92.46183029] Last RSI: 92.46183029232013 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 175.9$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.95, 176.155, 175.9] The list of last 5 RSIs: [71.63846011 78.81797347 83.09687431 92.46183029 45.46367369] Last RSI: 45.463673691359155 We submitted the order to buy 10 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 175.78$ List of last 3 collected prices: [176.155, 175.9, 175.78] The list of last 5 RSIs: [78.81797347 83.09687431 92.46183029 45.46367369 33.45873025] Last RSI: 33.45873025278052 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 175.98$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.9, 175.78, 175.98] The list of last 5 RSIs: [83.09687431 92.46183029 45.46367369 33.45873025 59.91826169] Last RSI: 59.91826169053701 We submitted an order to sell 10 AAPL shares. You've interrupted me. That's it then. I hope I did good. Till the next time.
As you can see, after each minute we get info from Alpaca, our bot is doing what we asked it to do and prints out nice information, so we understand what it's doing. We can also check the outcome in the Alpaca panel.
In the 'Paper Overview' we can see all the orders we placed, whether they were executed, what is in our portfolio, how much money we have (in 'paper cash' and in stocks).
We can also see all the orders and their execution in 'Activities' in 'Paper Account' tab.
And that's it. Now, if you run it, it will go on until the end of time... of the open market. After the market closes, the program will probably stop and show an error, but I didn't wait that long, so I can't be sure. You may try it on your own.
Meanwhile, if you would like to stop the program from running in Jupyter, you have several options.
You can click the stop button (the square) that's in the toolbar.
You can click on 'Kernel' in the menu and click 'Interrupt'.
And if neither of those help and you still see the star next to the cell you run (the program is still running the cell), you might click on 'Kernel' and Restart.
And if non of this work, you can always completely close Anaconda.
And if you want, after stopping the bot, you might modify it.
After initial testing our bot, when we know that everything works properly, we can now modify our bot to make it better. You just need to remember that this kind of bot will only be as smart as you. It won't learn anything on its own, but it will follow your orders, so if they will be profitable, the bot will be profitable.
So, we can change:
We can do it in the place we've written it for the first time or copy and paste that frament of code here.
We also need to clear our list of prices we stored in 'data' list, because otherwise our bot will use previous data as well and we don't want that now.
rsi_timeframe = 4 #replace it with your prefered timeframe for RSI
oversold_threshold = 48 #replace it with your prefered oversold threshold
overbought_threshold = 52 #replace it with your prefered overbought threshold
company = "TSLA" #replace it with your prefered company symbol from: https://www.nyse.com/listings_directory/stock
shares = 100 #replace it with your prefered number of shares to buy/sell
data = [] #should be reseted every time you start the bot
Ok. So, I modified a bot a little to show you how it can work with different setting, not to make it smarter. But if you want to make it smarter, you should know a bit about that RSI, technical analysis, oversold and overbought thresholds we are using here.
Our functions will stay the same, so we don't have to change them. And now we just need to run our SuperAI trading bot again.
print("You've interrupted me. That's it then. I hope I did good. Till the next time.")
I'm connected to Alpaca API and ready to work. I'm starting to watch the prices. I will start calculating RSIs when I'll collect 4 prices. I will buy 100 shares of TSLA when the last RSI is less than 48. I will sell 100 shares of TSLA when the last RSI is more than 52. So, here we go. Wish me luck. Last price after minute closed: None$ Not enough prices to calculate RSI and start trading: 0 <= 4 Last price after minute closed: None$ Not enough prices to calculate RSI and start trading: 0 <= 4 Last price after minute closed: 958.83$ List of last 4 collected prices: [958.83] Not enough prices to calculate RSI and start trading: 1 <= 4 Last price after minute closed: 957.835$ List of last 4 collected prices: [958.83, 957.835] Not enough prices to calculate RSI and start trading: 2 <= 4 Last price after minute closed: 958.57$ List of last 4 collected prices: [958.83, 957.835, 958.57] Not enough prices to calculate RSI and start trading: 3 <= 4 Last price after minute closed: 954.18$ List of last 4 collected prices: [958.83, 957.835, 958.57, 954.18] Not enough prices to calculate RSI and start trading: 4 <= 4 Last price after minute closed: 953.69$ List of last 4 collected prices: [957.835, 958.57, 954.18, 953.69] The list of last 5 RSIs: [ nan nan nan nan 11.11951589] Last RSI: 11.119515885022876 We submitted the order to buy 100 TSLA shares. Last price after minute closed: 950.56$ List of last 4 collected prices: [958.57, 954.18, 953.69, 950.56] The list of last 5 RSIs: [ nan nan nan 11.11951589 6.81607419] Last RSI: 6.816074188562622 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 952.15$ List of last 4 collected prices: [954.18, 953.69, 950.56, 952.15] The list of last 5 RSIs: [ nan nan 11.11951589 6.81607419 26.16948322] Last RSI: 26.169483223120356 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 950.42$ List of last 4 collected prices: [953.69, 950.56, 952.15, 950.42] The list of last 5 RSIs: [ nan 11.11951589 6.81607419 26.16948322 20.11020724] Last RSI: 20.110207239800182 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 948.42$ List of last 4 collected prices: [950.56, 952.15, 950.42, 948.42] The list of last 5 RSIs: [11.11951589 6.81607419 26.16948322 20.11020724 14.82068459] Last RSI: 14.820684588789643 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 949$ The list of last 5 RSIs: [11.11951589 6.81607419 26.16948322 20.11020724 14.82068459] Last RSI: 14.820684588789643 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 948.89$ List of last 4 collected prices: [952.15, 950.42, 948.42, 948.89] The list of last 5 RSIs: [ 6.81607419 26.16948322 20.11020724 14.82068459 21.30623526] Last RSI: 21.306235257452162 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 947.78$ List of last 4 collected prices: [950.42, 948.42, 948.89, 947.78] The list of last 5 RSIs: [26.16948322 20.11020724 14.82068459 21.30623526 17.1857753 ] Last RSI: 17.185775300484863 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 947.5$ List of last 4 collected prices: [948.42, 948.89, 947.78, 947.5] The list of last 5 RSIs: [20.11020724 14.82068459 21.30623526 17.1857753 16.13619901] Last RSI: 16.13619901243597 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 949.84$ List of last 4 collected prices: [948.89, 947.78, 947.5, 949.84] The list of last 5 RSIs: [14.82068459 21.30623526 17.1857753 16.13619901 50.09654278] Last RSI: 50.096542782902546 The RSI is 50.096542782902546 and it's between the given thresholds: 48 and 52, so we wait. Last price after minute closed: 947.94$ List of last 4 collected prices: [947.78, 947.5, 949.84, 947.94] The list of last 5 RSIs: [21.30623526 17.1857753 16.13619901 50.09654278 34.82787874] Last RSI: 34.82787873764192 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 948.97$ List of last 4 collected prices: [947.5, 949.84, 947.94, 948.97] The list of last 5 RSIs: [17.1857753 16.13619901 50.09654278 34.82787874 46.59338672] Last RSI: 46.59338671535519 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 949.33$ List of last 4 collected prices: [949.84, 947.94, 948.97, 949.33] The list of last 5 RSIs: [16.13619901 50.09654278 34.82787874 46.59338672 50.73783155] Last RSI: 50.73783155085937 The RSI is 50.73783155085937 and it's between the given thresholds: 48 and 52, so we wait. Last price after minute closed: 947.97$ List of last 4 collected prices: [947.94, 948.97, 949.33, 947.97] The list of last 5 RSIs: [50.09654278 34.82787874 46.59338672 50.73783155 36.47887123] Last RSI: 36.478871231662936 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 945.05$ List of last 4 collected prices: [948.97, 949.33, 947.97, 945.05] The list of last 5 RSIs: [34.82787874 46.59338672 50.73783155 36.47887123 20.21523956] Last RSI: 20.215239559532506 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 946.03$ List of last 4 collected prices: [949.33, 947.97, 945.05, 946.03] The list of last 5 RSIs: [46.59338672 50.73783155 36.47887123 20.21523956 33.48537222] Last RSI: 33.485372222938445 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 946.94$ List of last 4 collected prices: [947.97, 945.05, 946.03, 946.94] The list of last 5 RSIs: [50.73783155 36.47887123 20.21523956 33.48537222 44.8434853 ] Last RSI: 44.8434853006102 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 944.46$ List of last 4 collected prices: [945.05, 946.03, 946.94, 944.46] The list of last 5 RSIs: [36.47887123 20.21523956 33.48537222 44.8434853 27.67271403] Last RSI: 27.67271402670053 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 939.67$ List of last 4 collected prices: [946.03, 946.94, 944.46, 939.67] The list of last 5 RSIs: [20.21523956 33.48537222 44.8434853 27.67271403 13.93331927] Last RSI: 13.933319268482036 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 941.56$ List of last 4 collected prices: [946.94, 944.46, 939.67, 941.56] The list of last 5 RSIs: [33.48537222 44.8434853 27.67271403 13.93331927 31.75835344] Last RSI: 31.75835344391703 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 940.36$ List of last 4 collected prices: [944.46, 939.67, 941.56, 940.36] The list of last 5 RSIs: [44.8434853 27.67271403 13.93331927 31.75835344 27.0208225 ] Last RSI: 27.020822496033226 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 939.59$ List of last 4 collected prices: [939.67, 941.56, 940.36, 939.59] The list of last 5 RSIs: [27.67271403 13.93331927 31.75835344 27.0208225 23.9625553 ] Last RSI: 23.962555301372106 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 938.2$ List of last 4 collected prices: [941.56, 940.36, 939.59, 938.2] The list of last 5 RSIs: [13.93331927 31.75835344 27.0208225 23.9625553 18.83226231] Last RSI: 18.83226231322911 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 935.95$ List of last 4 collected prices: [940.36, 939.59, 938.2, 935.95] The list of last 5 RSIs: [31.75835344 27.0208225 23.9625553 18.83226231 12.88047528] Last RSI: 12.880475279958514 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 937.8$ List of last 4 collected prices: [939.59, 938.2, 935.95, 937.8] The list of last 5 RSIs: [27.0208225 23.9625553 18.83226231 12.88047528 35.29811052] Last RSI: 35.298110522462956 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 935.37$ List of last 4 collected prices: [938.2, 935.95, 937.8, 935.37] The list of last 5 RSIs: [23.9625553 18.83226231 12.88047528 35.29811052 24.33247392] Last RSI: 24.332473920547187 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 937.985$ List of last 4 collected prices: [935.95, 937.8, 935.37, 937.985] The list of last 5 RSIs: [18.83226231 12.88047528 35.29811052 24.33247392 47.66191652] Last RSI: 47.66191652250448 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 937.86$ List of last 4 collected prices: [937.8, 935.37, 937.985, 937.86] The list of last 5 RSIs: [12.88047528 35.29811052 24.33247392 47.66191652 46.74338919] Last RSI: 46.743389194037455 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 937.44$ List of last 4 collected prices: [935.37, 937.985, 937.86, 937.44] The list of last 5 RSIs: [35.29811052 24.33247392 47.66191652 46.74338919 43.02842963] Last RSI: 43.02842963141346 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 937.8$ List of last 4 collected prices: [937.985, 937.86, 937.44, 937.8] The list of last 5 RSIs: [24.33247392 47.66191652 46.74338919 43.02842963 47.77223919] Last RSI: 47.77223919119988 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 937.63$ List of last 4 collected prices: [937.86, 937.44, 937.8, 937.63] The list of last 5 RSIs: [47.66191652 46.74338919 43.02842963 47.77223919 45.39245339] Last RSI: 45.392453390419405 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 936.81$ List of last 4 collected prices: [937.44, 937.8, 937.63, 936.81] The list of last 5 RSIs: [46.74338919 43.02842963 47.77223919 45.39245339 34.37831508] Last RSI: 34.37831507608808 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 935.38$ List of last 4 collected prices: [937.8, 937.63, 936.81, 935.38] The list of last 5 RSIs: [43.02842963 47.77223919 45.39245339 34.37831508 21.97830593] Last RSI: 21.97830592631813 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 935.02$ List of last 4 collected prices: [937.63, 936.81, 935.38, 935.02] The list of last 5 RSIs: [47.77223919 45.39245339 34.37831508 21.97830593 19.60472827] Last RSI: 19.604728269782225 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 935.92$ List of last 4 collected prices: [936.81, 935.38, 935.02, 935.92] The list of last 5 RSIs: [45.39245339 34.37831508 21.97830593 19.60472827 40.88530629] Last RSI: 40.88530628529858 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 938.41$ List of last 4 collected prices: [935.38, 935.02, 935.92, 938.41] The list of last 5 RSIs: [34.37831508 21.97830593 19.60472827 40.88530629 70.09041659] Last RSI: 70.09041658962548 We submitted an order to sell 100 TSLA shares. Last price after minute closed: 938.72$ List of last 4 collected prices: [935.02, 935.92, 938.41, 938.72] The list of last 5 RSIs: [21.97830593 19.60472827 40.88530629 70.09041659 72.35737606] Last RSI: 72.35737606116118 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 939.68$ List of last 4 collected prices: [935.92, 938.41, 938.72, 939.68] The list of last 5 RSIs: [19.60472827 40.88530629 70.09041659 72.35737606 78.9462492 ] Last RSI: 78.94624920021882 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 938.945$ List of last 4 collected prices: [938.41, 938.72, 939.68, 938.945] The list of last 5 RSIs: [40.88530629 70.09041659 72.35737606 78.9462492 63.49606862] Last RSI: 63.496068624751146 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 937.57$ List of last 4 collected prices: [938.72, 939.68, 938.945, 937.57] The list of last 5 RSIs: [70.09041659 72.35737606 78.9462492 63.49606862 42.66769575] Last RSI: 42.66769575403991 We submitted the order to buy 100 TSLA shares. Last price after minute closed: 939.1$ List of last 4 collected prices: [939.68, 938.945, 937.57, 939.1] The list of last 5 RSIs: [72.35737606 78.9462492 63.49606862 42.66769575 61.43579697] Last RSI: 61.43579697420961 We submitted an order to sell 100 TSLA shares. You've interrupted me. That's it then. I hope I did good. Till the next time.
And that's it.
If we know everything and want our bot to fit in 15 lines of code, we can delete all the 'prints', unnecessary variables, paste some things from the variables into their place in code, and make it as usefull, as before, only much less easy to read.
If you decide to do it on your own, remember to change the KEY_ID and SECRET_KEY that you see below for your own keys.
import alpaca_trade_api as tradeapi, ast, json, numpy as np, talib as ta, websocket
data = []
def on_open(ws):
ws.send(json.dumps({"action": "authenticate", "data": {"key_id": "PK3O8OD82FIXEEPGT8GP", "secret_key": "9tCxXfAtHpeUi6qlhdL9i7dGHt6qgDCNzQreBkcZ"}}))
ws.send(json.dumps({"action": "listen", "data": {"streams": ["AM.AAPL"]}}))
def on_message(ws, message):
if isinstance(ast.literal_eval(message).get("data").get("c"), float): data.append(ast.literal_eval(message).get("data").get("c"))
if len(data) > 3 and ta.RSI(np.array(data), 3)[-1] < 49:
try: tradeapi.REST("PK3O8OD82FIXEEPGT8GP", "9tCxXfAtHpeUi6qlhdL9i7dGHt6qgDCNzQreBkcZ", "https://paper-api.alpaca.markets", "v2").get_position("AAPL")
except:tradeapi.REST("PK3O8OD82FIXEEPGT8GP", "9tCxXfAtHpeUi6qlhdL9i7dGHt6qgDCNzQreBkcZ", "https://paper-api.alpaca.markets", "v2").submit_order(symbol="AAPL", qty=10, side = "buy", type='market', time_in_force='gtc')
elif len(data) > 3 and ta.RSI(np.array(data), 3)[-1] > 51:
tradeapi.REST("PK3O8OD82FIXEEPGT8GP", "9tCxXfAtHpeUi6qlhdL9i7dGHt6qgDCNzQreBkcZ", "https://paper-api.alpaca.markets", "v2").get_position("AAPL")
tradeapi.REST("PK3O8OD82FIXEEPGT8GP", "9tCxXfAtHpeUi6qlhdL9i7dGHt6qgDCNzQreBkcZ", "https://paper-api.alpaca.markets", "v2").submit_order(symbol="AAPL",qty=10,side='sell',type='market',time_in_force='gtc')
websocket.WebSocketApp("wss://data.alpaca.markets/stream", on_open=on_open, on_message=on_message).run_forever()
And it works again. It just doesn't give any output in the Jupyter. When it finishes, it just prints out: False.
You can check how it worked in your Alpaca Account.
And that's it.
Now, you can save that file by clicking 'File' and 'Save as'. If you want, you can save that file in a special folder with all your trading files, so you can work with this file later.
Now you can check how your bot will work. You can choose how many prices you want to use to calculate RSI, how big the thresholds should be, how much you want to invest (on paper) - how many shares of which company you want to buy/sell and run your bot for, let's say, an hour or two and see what happens...
Just remember, if you reset your account, you have to regenerate your keys and paste your new keys into the code.
And after an hour or two...
You can check it.
Did it earn money or lose it?
Here is what mine did with:
rsi_timeframe = 3
oversold_threshold = 49
overbought_threshold = 51
company = "AAPL"
shares = 500
data = []
print("You've interrupted me. That's it then. I hope I did good. Till the next time.")
I'm connected to Alpaca API and ready to work. I'm starting to watch the prices. I will start calculating RSIs when I'll collect 3 prices. I will buy 500 shares of AAPL when the last RSI is less than 49. I will sell 500 shares of AAPL when the last RSI is more than 51. So, here we go. Wish me luck. Last price after minute closed: None$ Not enough prices to calculate RSI and start trading: 0 <= 3 Last price after minute closed: None$ Not enough prices to calculate RSI and start trading: 0 <= 3 Last price after minute closed: 174.81$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.81] Not enough prices to calculate RSI and start trading: 1 <= 3 Last price after minute closed: 174.8$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.81, 174.8] Not enough prices to calculate RSI and start trading: 2 <= 3 Last price after minute closed: 174.73$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.81, 174.8, 174.73] Not enough prices to calculate RSI and start trading: 3 <= 3 Last price after minute closed: 174.76$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.8, 174.73, 174.76] The list of last 5 RSIs: [ nan nan nan 27.27272727] Last RSI: 27.27272727272492 We submitted the order to buy 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 174.82$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.73, 174.76, 174.82] The list of last 5 RSIs: [ nan nan nan 27.27272727 60. ] Last RSI: 59.99999999999716 We submitted an order to sell 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 174.96$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.76, 174.82, 174.96] The list of last 5 RSIs: [ nan nan 27.27272727 60. 84.46601942] Last RSI: 84.46601941747481 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 175.13$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.82, 174.96, 175.13] The list of last 5 RSIs: [ nan 27.27272727 60. 84.46601942 92.652124 ] Last RSI: 92.65212399540648 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 175.09$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.96, 175.13, 175.09] The list of last 5 RSIs: [27.27272727 60. 84.46601942 92.652124 78.12197483] Last RSI: 78.12197483059212 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 175.21$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.13, 175.09, 175.21] The list of last 5 RSIs: [60. 84.46601942 92.652124 78.12197483 87.17366629] Last RSI: 87.17366628831002 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 175.18$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.09, 175.21, 175.18] The list of last 5 RSIs: [84.46601942 92.652124 78.12197483 87.17366629 75.46520911] Last RSI: 75.4652091138004 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 175.19$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.21, 175.18, 175.19] The list of last 5 RSIs: [92.652124 78.12197483 87.17366629 75.46520911 77.00917906] Last RSI: 77.00917906367731 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 174.89$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.18, 175.19, 174.89] The list of last 5 RSIs: [78.12197483 87.17366629 75.46520911 77.00917906 20.09717049] Last RSI: 20.097170491407844 We submitted the order to buy 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 175.33$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.19, 174.89, 175.33] The list of last 5 RSIs: [87.17366629 75.46520911 77.00917906 20.09717049 69.57083742] Last RSI: 69.57083742039201 We submitted an order to sell 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 175.33$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.89, 175.33, 175.33] The list of last 5 RSIs: [75.46520911 77.00917906 20.09717049 69.57083742 69.57083742] Last RSI: 69.57083742039201 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 175.13$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.33, 175.33, 175.13] The list of last 5 RSIs: [77.00917906 20.09717049 69.57083742 69.57083742 42.59669357] Last RSI: 42.59669357165035 We submitted the order to buy 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 175.17$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.33, 175.13, 175.17] The list of last 5 RSIs: [20.09717049 69.57083742 69.57083742 42.59669357 48.57793344] Last RSI: 48.577933435664136 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 175.09$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.13, 175.17, 175.09] The list of last 5 RSIs: [69.57083742 69.57083742 42.59669357 48.57793344 37.00921119] Last RSI: 37.00921119180928 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 175.2$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.17, 175.09, 175.2] The list of last 5 RSIs: [69.57083742 42.59669357 48.57793344 37.00921119 57.7577449 ] Last RSI: 57.75774490428967 We submitted an order to sell 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 175.065$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.09, 175.2, 175.065] The list of last 5 RSIs: [42.59669357 48.57793344 37.00921119 57.7577449 35.95528671] Last RSI: 35.955286707552894 We submitted the order to buy 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 175.145$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.2, 175.065, 175.145] The list of last 5 RSIs: [48.57793344 37.00921119 57.7577449 35.95528671 52.04578512] Last RSI: 52.045785117161145 We submitted an order to sell 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 175.04$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.065, 175.145, 175.04] The list of last 5 RSIs: [37.00921119 57.7577449 35.95528671 52.04578512 34.82194973] Last RSI: 34.82194972611287 We submitted the order to buy 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 174.91$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.145, 175.04, 174.91] The list of last 5 RSIs: [57.7577449 35.95528671 52.04578512 34.82194973 21.56697604] Last RSI: 21.56697603637055 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 174.655$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.04, 174.91, 174.655] The list of last 5 RSIs: [35.95528671 52.04578512 34.82194973 21.56697604 10.17315326] Last RSI: 10.173153256431895 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 174.66$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.91, 174.655, 174.66] The list of last 5 RSIs: [52.04578512 34.82194973 21.56697604 10.17315326 11.547547 ] Last RSI: 11.547546997638612 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 174.59$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.655, 174.66, 174.59] The list of last 5 RSIs: [34.82194973 21.56697604 10.17315326 11.547547 8.73946808] Last RSI: 8.739468077768775 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 174.79$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.66, 174.59, 174.79] The list of last 5 RSIs: [21.56697604 10.17315326 11.547547 8.73946808 55.31220242] Last RSI: 55.31220242252148 We submitted an order to sell 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 174.94$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.59, 174.79, 174.94] The list of last 5 RSIs: [10.17315326 11.547547 8.73946808 55.31220242 71.61089968] Last RSI: 71.61089967700234 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 174.92$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.79, 174.94, 174.92] The list of last 5 RSIs: [11.547547 8.73946808 55.31220242 71.61089968 66.74239361] Last RSI: 66.7423936126918 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 174.88$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.94, 174.92, 174.88] The list of last 5 RSIs: [ 8.73946808 55.31220242 71.61089968 66.74239361 55.43587835] Last RSI: 55.43587835454238 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 174.86$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.92, 174.88, 174.86] The list of last 5 RSIs: [55.31220242 71.61089968 66.74239361 55.43587835 49.18653371] Last RSI: 49.18653370563978 The RSI is 49.18653370563978 and it's between the given thresholds: 49 and 51, so we wait. Last price after minute closed: 174.98$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.88, 174.86, 174.98] The list of last 5 RSIs: [71.61089968 66.74239361 55.43587835 49.18653371 74.77713435] Last RSI: 74.77713434981135 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 174.84$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.86, 174.98, 174.84] The list of last 5 RSIs: [66.74239361 55.43587835 49.18653371 74.77713435 39.74690318] Last RSI: 39.74690318122695 We submitted the order to buy 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 174.68$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.98, 174.84, 174.68] The list of last 5 RSIs: [55.43587835 49.18653371 74.77713435 39.74690318 22.0439254 ] Last RSI: 22.043925404310933 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 174.78$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.84, 174.68, 174.78] The list of last 5 RSIs: [49.18653371 74.77713435 39.74690318 22.0439254 45.00668964] Last RSI: 45.00668963794006 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 174.8$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.68, 174.78, 174.8] The list of last 5 RSIs: [74.77713435 39.74690318 22.0439254 45.00668964 49.4717725 ] Last RSI: 49.47177249878865 The RSI is 49.47177249878865 and it's between the given thresholds: 49 and 51, so we wait. Last price after minute closed: 174.825$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.78, 174.8, 174.825] The list of last 5 RSIs: [39.74690318 22.0439254 45.00668964 49.4717725 56.14772263] Last RSI: 56.14772263234076 We submitted an order to sell 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 174.71$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.8, 174.825, 174.71] The list of last 5 RSIs: [22.0439254 45.00668964 49.4717725 56.14772263 29.37134109] Last RSI: 29.371341087620266 We submitted the order to buy 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 174.875$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.825, 174.71, 174.875] The list of last 5 RSIs: [45.00668964 49.4717725 56.14772263 29.37134109 65.14495244] Last RSI: 65.14495244247105 We submitted an order to sell 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 174.93$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.71, 174.875, 174.93] The list of last 5 RSIs: [49.4717725 56.14772263 29.37134109 65.14495244 72.18830318] Last RSI: 72.18830317703674 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 174.85$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.875, 174.93, 174.85] The list of last 5 RSIs: [56.14772263 29.37134109 65.14495244 72.18830318 50.09973303] Last RSI: 50.099733026305195 The RSI is 50.099733026305195 and it's between the given thresholds: 49 and 51, so we wait. Last price after minute closed: 174.835$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.93, 174.85, 174.835] The list of last 5 RSIs: [29.37134109 65.14495244 72.18830318 50.09973303 46.12986992] Last RSI: 46.129869919090716 We submitted the order to buy 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 175.12$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.85, 174.835, 175.12] The list of last 5 RSIs: [65.14495244 72.18830318 50.09973303 46.12986992 83.46688688] Last RSI: 83.46688687511462 We submitted an order to sell 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 174.93$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.835, 175.12, 174.93] The list of last 5 RSIs: [72.18830318 50.09973303 46.12986992 83.46688688 49.29846179] Last RSI: 49.29846179258534 The RSI is 49.29846179258534 and it's between the given thresholds: 49 and 51, so we wait. Last price after minute closed: 174.71$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.12, 174.93, 174.71] The list of last 5 RSIs: [50.09973303 46.12986992 83.46688688 49.29846179 28.8126194 ] Last RSI: 28.812619398795807 We submitted the order to buy 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 174.91$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.93, 174.71, 174.91] The list of last 5 RSIs: [46.12986992 83.46688688 49.29846179 28.8126194 54.56091967] Last RSI: 54.56091967447566 We submitted an order to sell 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 174.85$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.71, 174.91, 174.85] The list of last 5 RSIs: [83.46688688 49.29846179 28.8126194 54.56091967 46.92347264] Last RSI: 46.92347264343271 We submitted the order to buy 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 175.015$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.91, 174.85, 175.015] The list of last 5 RSIs: [49.29846179 28.8126194 54.56091967 46.92347264 66.35227947] Last RSI: 66.35227946797147 We submitted an order to sell 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 175.055$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.85, 175.015, 175.055] The list of last 5 RSIs: [28.8126194 54.56091967 46.92347264 66.35227947 70.30498519] Last RSI: 70.30498518745712 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 175.11$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.015, 175.055, 175.11] The list of last 5 RSIs: [54.56091967 46.92347264 66.35227947 70.30498519 76.09652271] Last RSI: 76.09652271006429 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 175.175$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.055, 175.11, 175.175] The list of last 5 RSIs: [46.92347264 66.35227947 70.30498519 76.09652271 82.23769811] Last RSI: 82.23769810907035 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 175$ The list of last 5 RSIs: [46.92347264 66.35227947 70.30498519 76.09652271 82.23769811] Last RSI: 82.23769810907035 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 174.84$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.11, 175.175, 174.84] The list of last 5 RSIs: [66.35227947 70.30498519 76.09652271 82.23769811 27.53966201] Last RSI: 27.53966200718086 We submitted the order to buy 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 174.71$ List of last 3 collected prices: [175.175, 174.84, 174.71] The list of last 5 RSIs: [70.30498519 76.09652271 82.23769811 27.53966201 19.85326858] Last RSI: 19.853268578503858 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 174.87$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.84, 174.71, 174.87] The list of last 5 RSIs: [76.09652271 82.23769811 27.53966201 19.85326858 47.10717071] Last RSI: 47.107170712718286 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 174.575$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.71, 174.87, 174.575] The list of last 5 RSIs: [82.23769811 27.53966201 19.85326858 47.10717071 24.27640322] Last RSI: 24.276403218201672 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 174.61$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.87, 174.575, 174.61] The list of last 5 RSIs: [27.53966201 19.85326858 47.10717071 24.27640322 30.28912759] Last RSI: 30.28912758530808 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 174.77$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.575, 174.61, 174.77] The list of last 5 RSIs: [19.85326858 47.10717071 24.27640322 30.28912759 54.86455161] Last RSI: 54.864551609889645 We submitted an order to sell 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 174.67$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.61, 174.77, 174.67] The list of last 5 RSIs: [47.10717071 24.27640322 30.28912759 54.86455161 41.23603287] Last RSI: 41.23603287280436 We submitted the order to buy 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 174.685$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.77, 174.67, 174.685] The list of last 5 RSIs: [24.27640322 30.28912759 54.86455161 41.23603287 44.34654209] Last RSI: 44.34654209258958 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 174.5$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.67, 174.685, 174.5] The list of last 5 RSIs: [30.28912759 54.86455161 41.23603287 44.34654209 22.40576792] Last RSI: 22.40576791940904 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 174.6$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.685, 174.5, 174.6] The list of last 5 RSIs: [54.86455161 41.23603287 44.34654209 22.40576792 44.62121799] Last RSI: 44.62121799458714 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 174.82$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.5, 174.6, 174.82] The list of last 5 RSIs: [41.23603287 44.34654209 22.40576792 44.62121799 71.52468192] Last RSI: 71.5246819206448 We submitted an order to sell 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 174.72$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.6, 174.82, 174.72] The list of last 5 RSIs: [44.34654209 22.40576792 44.62121799 71.52468192 53.72815344] Last RSI: 53.72815343859464 We hit the threshold to sell, but we don't have anything to sell. Next time maybe. Last price after minute closed: 174.545$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.82, 174.72, 174.545] The list of last 5 RSIs: [22.40576792 44.62121799 71.52468192 53.72815344 32.50059697] Last RSI: 32.500596972202686 We submitted the order to buy 500 AAPL shares. Last price after minute closed: 174.58$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.72, 174.545, 174.58] The list of last 5 RSIs: [44.62121799 71.52468192 53.72815344 32.50059697 39.65333942] Last RSI: 39.65333941607778 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 174.38$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.545, 174.58, 174.38] The list of last 5 RSIs: [71.52468192 53.72815344 32.50059697 39.65333942 20.77948398] Last RSI: 20.779483982050532 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 174.45$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.58, 174.38, 174.45] The list of last 5 RSIs: [53.72815344 32.50059697 39.65333942 20.77948398 36.61775523] Last RSI: 36.61775522998833 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 174.27$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.38, 174.45, 174.27] The list of last 5 RSIs: [32.50059697 39.65333942 20.77948398 36.61775523 20.67462747] Last RSI: 20.674627465384532 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 174.295$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.45, 174.27, 174.295] The list of last 5 RSIs: [39.65333942 20.77948398 36.61775523 20.67462747 27.27159901] Last RSI: 27.271599012891585 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 174.175$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.27, 174.295, 174.175] The list of last 5 RSIs: [20.77948398 36.61775523 20.67462747 27.27159901 17.05778974] Last RSI: 17.057789738474003 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 174.065$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.295, 174.175, 174.065] The list of last 5 RSIs: [36.61775523 20.67462747 27.27159901 17.05778974 11.25950853] Last RSI: 11.259508534572772 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 174.165$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.175, 174.065, 174.165] The list of last 5 RSIs: [20.67462747 27.27159901 17.05778974 11.25950853 39.36532231] Last RSI: 39.36532230784315 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 173.645$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.065, 174.165, 173.645] The list of last 5 RSIs: [27.27159901 17.05778974 11.25950853 39.36532231 11.34313488] Last RSI: 11.343134877573092 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 173.575$ List of last 3 collected prices: [174.165, 173.645, 173.575] The list of last 5 RSIs: [17.05778974 11.25950853 39.36532231 11.34313488 9.91759162] Last RSI: 9.917591624937888 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 173.605$ List of last 3 collected prices: [173.645, 173.575, 173.605] The list of last 5 RSIs: [11.25950853 39.36532231 11.34313488 9.91759162 16.65139042] Last RSI: 16.65139042255057 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. Last price after minute closed: 173.68$ List of last 3 collected prices: [173.575, 173.605, 173.68] The list of last 5 RSIs: [39.36532231 11.34313488 9.91759162 16.65139042 34.90008611] Last RSI: 34.900086108358224 We hit the threshold to buy, but we already have some shares, so we won't buy more. You've interrupted me. That's it then. I hope I did good. Till the next time.
After an hour or so...
In general, after almost 3 hours of using this bot in different configurations we lost around 1% of our 'paper' money...
Thanks a lot bot...
Ok. So now you already have a bot that is much better than our bot from previous tutorial, but still, probably after a couple of minutes it starts to be not enough. In the next tutorials we'll improve our bot, maybe help it think by itself with some machine learning (probably LSTM and reinforcement learning, but we'll see).
Meanwhile, you can try adding some other technical indicators to the bot from TA-lib. You will be probably able to calculate them with one line of code and then add anoter 'and' condition to your 'if' statements.
And if you want, you can search Alpaca site for great videos regarding trading or you could wait for me to create another tutorial. I will do it, just don't know when, so you might want to subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit that bell button to get the notification. Although, I must tell you that not all my videos are about trading or programming, because what I'm here for is to help you improve yourself, improve your business, improve the world, to live and have fun, so my other videos might be about all that too.
You can also find more about me and my projects at my websites:
I hope you liked my second online Python trading tutorial. Let me know what you think about it. Just remember, bots also have feelings.
Good luck with everything you do. And, hopefully, see you soon.
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